Big Breakthrough™

with #1 Success Coach

One-on-One Coaching and Mentorship Program for Unleashing Inborn Genius and Amplifying Results in Life and Business with Mykola Latansky—the Founder of Genialism™

 * Only  2 spots left! 

with #1 Success Coach

One-on-One Coaching and Mentorship Program for Unleashing Inborn Genius and Amplifying Results in Life and Business with Mykola Latansky—the Founder of Genialism™

* Only  5  2 spots left!


The one-on-one coaching program offers two parallel tracks for you to choose from:

I. "New Life"

A track for those who want to radically rethink their life and start an entirely new chapter.
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II. "New Level"

A track for those who are satisfied with their current situation but want to take their life and business to a fundamentally new level.
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Below, you will find a detailed description of the two tracks. You can choose either track to work with Mykola Latansky, or request a customized combination of both tracks.


  • Business owners, entrepreneurs, and investors;  
  • Top executives or mid-level managers;
  • Scientists, writers, and freelancers;  
  • Coaches, business trainers, and consultants;
  • Individuals who manage their own lives or want to take control of their lives and decide how their life should unfold and look.
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The "New Life" track is a transformational process designed for those seeking radical change and ready to embark on a new phase of life. It recognizes that the old way of living no longer provides the desired satisfaction and joy, and that existing problems and challenges require a fundamentally different approach.

Key Aspects:

1. Awareness of the Need for Change

Work on this track begins with the realization that old patterns of behavior, habits, or even your environment no longer align with your new aspirations. You feel an internal urge to shed the "baggage" of the past, whether it be fears, unresolved conflicts, or limitations.

2. Challenges and Issues

The process of change is always accompanied by new challenges. The "New Life" track offers methods and tools for recognizing and overcoming these challenges. Here, you will confront questions that require inner work, such as: "What am I willing to leave in the past?" or "What obstacles must I overcome to reach a new phase of life?"

3. Desires and Aspirations

Here, we focus on what you truly desire. This could be a new career path, different life priorities, or a shift in your life philosophy. Mykola helps you channel your energy into creating a new vision and understanding of your goals, which you may have previously ignored or postponed.

4. Tools for Transformation

To reach a new level in life and business, we utilize a range of transformational tools: exercises and processes for deep exploration of your worldview and beliefs, letting go of old habits and adopting new ones, setting ambitious goals, and mastering strategies to achieve them.

5. Creating a New Identity

On this track, you shape your new identity, which aligns more closely with your true values and desires. The "New Life" track emphasizes that you are not only changing external circumstances but also undergoing an internal transformation, elevating your level of consciousness and self-perception.

The "New Life" track is not just about letting go of the past; it's an active process of creating a future where you become more whole, aware, and confident in your path of growth, development, and self-actualization.

Below is a detailed 10-week program for the "New Life" track:

Week 1.  
Creating a Big Vision

We develop a vision for your genius success over the next 10 years of your life and business.

Results of Week One:

— Expansion of thinking scale;
— Creation of a vision for ten years of personal and professional development;
— Development of a genius self-image;
— Establishment of breakthrough goals for the next 1-3-6-12 months.
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Week 2.
Expanding Personal Boundaries

We enhance the scale of your personality, establishing a solid foundation for the next level of your genius success.

Results of Week Two:

— Strengthening personal qualities and laying the foundation for further growth;
— Developing leadership skills;
— Cultivating charisma and magnetism;
— Strengthening the leader's core;
— Daily practices to enhance self-discipline and inner strength.

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"I never imagined that I would be in demand across the country and abroad, but working with Mykola allowed me to create my own expert brand and speak in front of large audiences."

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"I had a dream of starting my own charitable foundation, and for over ten years, this project has been among the top 10 most transparent foundations in the country."

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"Before meeting Mykola, I couldn't break the 'glass ceiling' of $500 a month. A year later, I was earning tens of thousands of dollars a month."

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"From a small cottage industry, we transformed into a large enterprise with an area of 10,000 square meters."

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Week 3.
Strategic Planning

Development of a detailed personal and professional growth plan.

Results of Week Three:

— Creation of a career and personal growth roadmap;
— Gaining a greater sense of purpose and understanding of what to live for;
— Realization of your path and place in life;
— Discussion and analysis of life priorities.

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Week 4.
Farewell to the Past

We release the negative experiences of your past and eliminate the negative inner dialogue that hinders and limits your rapid development.

Results of Week Four:

— Leaving the past behind;
— Letting go of failures, setbacks, and resentments;
— Liberation from limiting beliefs and negative experiences;
— Working through traumas and past grievances;
— Releasing both physical and psychological pain;
— Meditative practices for letting go and healing.

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"Mykola expanded my consciousness and scale from a local psychologist working in one city to a global player with clients all around the world."

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"If it weren't for Mykola and his expansive thinking, I might still be living in Cherkasy and would not have built the most recognized psychology brand in our country."

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"I allowed myself to say goodbye to my old life and start doing what I had always dreamed of. I became a writer!"

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"It wasn't easy to change my thinking, but my desire to reach a new level prevailed. I became financially free and now engage in what I love with partners all around the world."

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Week 5.  
Enhancing Cognitive Abilities

We develop creativity, memory, and the ability to solve complex problems.

Results of Week Five:

— Mastering creative thinking techniques;
— Enhancing focus;
— Improving memory;
— Developing mental flexibility for solving problems of any complexity;
— Learning approaches for generating brilliant ideas.

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Week 6.
Confidence and Self-Worth

We strengthen self-belief and gain inner confidence in the achievability of big, ambitious, and meaningful goals.

Results of Week Six:

— Increasing inner confidence and self-esteem;
— Exercises for self-acceptance and self-respect;
— Gaining wholeness and inner strength;
— Cultivating centeredness;
— Ensuring balance between personal and professional life.

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"Mykola imparted to me the knowledge of the science of success, and from a simple water delivery manager, I quickly grew into the director of a company."

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"I was unemployed, and now I am a successful business owner and create new jobs for others."

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"I wanted to create my own modeling agency, and I did it—first in Kyiv, then in Wrocław."

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"Mykola showed me how big and significant I could be, and I became one of the most well-known and sought-after psychologists in the country."

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Week 7.
Expanding Horizons

We expand horizons and the potential for opportunities.

Result of Week Seven:

— Developing a new, unique positioning;
— Reformatting personal and professional branding;
— Strategic planning for career growth.

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Week 8.
Mastering Self-Management Techniques

We master modern high-efficiency self-management and self-control techniques.

Result of Week Eight:

— Learning and applying methods of effective self-management;
— Mastering time management and self-discipline tools;
— Practicing decision-making in uncertain conditions.

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"I couldn't believe that I would have my own show on television."

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"When I attended the first training with Mykola, $250 for three days of training seemed like a fortune to me. Now I earn millions of dollars in my business and I'm grateful to my teacher for showing me what I am capable of and what I'm worth."

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"I came to Canada, and I needed to get on my feet quickly. I studied at night, soon opened my salon in a prestigious area of Toronto, wrote a book, and appeared in two seasons of a TV series."

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"When I arrived in England last year, having no knowledge of the English language, I began applying Mykola's tools and could never have imagined that just a year and a half later, I would receive a scholarship and be studying at a university in London."

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Week 9.
Inner Strength and Life Energy

Increasing inner strength and life energy.

Result of Week Nine:

— Strengthening life force;
— Exercises for developing charisma;
— Sports activities for maintaining physical health and tone;
— Building personal appeal for people and business opportunities.

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Week 10.
Assessment and Planning

Assessment of achieved progress and planning future steps.

Result of Week Ten:

— Final consultations to assess achieved results and adjust goals;
— Action planning for the coming year to maintain and develop achieved success.

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"While managing several businesses at the same time, I didn't realize that I had completely 'sunk' into my projects. With Mykola's help, I was able to rise above the situation, see what I hadn't seen before, and significantly increase the performance of my businesses."

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"Working with Mykola, I found meaning for myself and significantly increased my financial results."

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The "New Level" track is designed for people who have already achieved certain successes in life and business, are satisfied with their current position, but feel that they can achieve more. This program is focused on transcending conventional success and reaching a new stage of development—both professionally and personally.

Key Aspects:

1. Awareness of the need for growth.

You will choose this track if you have a stable and successful life but realize that your potential has not yet been fully unlocked. You are eager for development and want more, whether in business, career, relationships, or personal growth. The "New Level" track helps you recognize that there is always room for growth, even when things are going well.

2. Expansion of possibilities.

In this track, we focus on going beyond the ordinary. You’ll learn to set ambitious goals that push you out of your comfort zone. This might mean scaling a business, expanding areas of influence, or implementing new strategies and approaches. The key is understanding that new results require new thinking and actions.

3. Innovative thinking.

To reach a fundamentally new level, it’s essential to start thinking differently. This module includes techniques and strategies to foster an innovative approach to life and business. Here, we cultivate important qualities like creativity, strategic thinking, and the ability to see opportunities where others see obstacles.

4. Overcoming hidden barriers.

Sometimes, advancing to a new level requires recognizing and overcoming internal barriers that may have gone unnoticed in previous stages. These can include limiting beliefs, fears, or biases about your own capabilities. In this track, you will work on identifying and eliminating these internal obstacles, allowing you to move forward with confidence.

5. Optimizing resources and time.

The "New Level" track teaches effective management of resources—time, finances, and personal life. You’ll learn to allocate your energy in ways that maximize results with minimal expense. This includes process automation, task delegation, and focusing on key aspects that yield the highest returns.

6. Strengthening leadership qualities.

It’s important not only to grow personally but also to become a more effective leader. This module helps develop leadership skills essential for running a business at a new level. This might include working with a team, creating a new corporate culture, or implementing changes that enhance organizational efficiency.

7. New energy and motivation.

Reaching a new level requires a new level of motivation and energy. In this module, you’ll learn to rediscover inspiration, understand your true goals and values, and gain a powerful drive for future achievements. Your enhanced inner state will directly impact your results.

The "New Level" track is a program for those who want to rise to a qualitatively new level, becoming more successful, fulfilled, and influential. This track helps you go beyond what you’ve achieved and unlock new potential, both in business and in personal life.

Below is a list of topics that people often bring to Mykola as a coach and that are frequently discussed in the "New Level" track.

You can choose any of the topics listed below to work on:

1. Developing a strategic vision and positioning

Goal: Creating a long-term vision and unique brand.

Creating a global vision for the business

  • Assessing the market, needs, and opportunities for the next 5–10 years;
  • Defining the key values and mission of the business;  
  • Setting strategic goals for the next 1–3 years  

Unique positioning and differentiation

  • Establishing differentiation from competitors and identifying key product features;
  • Creating a brand: choosing a name, developing a slogan, and establishing the company image;
  • Developing a content marketing strategy.

Building a personal brand 

  •  Developing a recognition strategy: participating in public speaking, managing social media, and creating original content (books, podcasts, etc.)

Strategic development and vision

  • Creating a memorable name and standout brand;
  • Building a successful and appealing image;
  • Developing a catchy slogan and compelling mission.
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Katrin Korsun
"I really wanted my clothing to be sold in the best stores in London, Paris, and New York, and together with Mykola, I achieved this big goal."
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2. Tactical implementation of the business strategy 

Goal: Applying the strategic vision through specific actions and tools.

Marketing and sales

  • Developing a sales funnel and customer interaction framework;
  • Designing and conducting sales webinars;
  • Writing persuasive copy and advertising materials.

Automation and optimization of the business 

  • Optimizing processes to enhance efficiency;
  • Automating marketing and sales to increase client volume.

Bringing the business online   

  • Transitioning traditional business to the online environment;
    Developing online programs and adapting existing services for the online format;
  • Utilizing digital platforms and technologies to increase reach.

Writing and publishing a book 

  • Preparing to create a book: gathering materials, formulating ideas;
  • Finding a publisher or preparing for self-publishing;
  • Promoting the book as a tool for personal branding and business.

Launching your own podcast

  • Developing the podcast concept;
  • Creating original materials and methods for episodes;
  • Managing social media and promoting through audio and video platforms.
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Oles Timofeev
"Mykola became the catalyst I needed to believe in myself and allow myself to play in the global business league."
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3. Entering new markets and business development

Goal: Scaling the business and entering international markets.

Finding investors and partners

  • Developing a strategy for seeking and attracting investors to grow the business;
  • Preparing for meetings with investors: creating presentations and financial models;
  • Evaluating potential partnerships for scaling the business.

International markets

  • Assessing opportunities for entering new markets and developing an adapted strategy;
  •  Localizing products and services for international clients;
  •  Studying the legal requirements and regulations in target markets  International markets.
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Oleg Spartak
"Mykola is a mentor who instantly expanded my mindset, helped elevate my business to a new level, and allowed me to earn several times more."
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4. Financial development and management  

Goal: Increasing profits, reducing costs, and exploring new financial instruments.

Financial strategies

  • Increasing the average transaction value and sales volume;
  • Reducing costs through optimization and automation;
  • Investing profits in new projects and initiatives.

Advertising and promotion

  • Effectively utilizing advertising tools to attract new clients;
  • Developing advertising campaigns to scale the business.

Financial breakthrough

  • Investing and reinvesting;
  • Cryptocurrency opportunities for business.
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Vladislav Chelpachenko
"Mykola showed me what it means to have a larger-than-life persona, and soon after, I earned my first million dollars."
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5. Personal transformation and development  

Goal: Personal growth and strengthening inner confidence to achieve new heights.

Shifting mindset

  • Working on eliminating limiting beliefs and fears;
  • Cultivating the image of a successful and self-confident leader.

Increasing personal attractiveness

  • Developing charisma, leadership qualities, and magnetism;
  • Attracting the attention of more successful partners and opportunities.

Reframing mindset for limitless possibilities

  • Eliminating limiting beliefs and cultivating "genius" thinking;
  •  Overcoming fears and opening new horizons of opportunity.
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Maria Terekhova
"After many years, I still haven't found an alternative to Mykola. There is no other coach with such a vast mindset."
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6. Summarizing and Future Planning  

Goal: Evaluating achieved results and creating a plan for further development.

Assessing Progress

  • Analyzing achievements, identifying strengths and areas for improvement;
  • Planning the next steps to reach the established goals.

Consolidating Success

  • Creating a plan for the next year to maintain the achieved level of success and foster further growth;
  • Restructuring the business to enhance efficiency and growth.
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Viktor Prit
"After training with Mykola, my business doubled."
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 GENIALISM™ Methodology 

 Both tracks ("New Life" and "New Level") incorporate the unique methodology of Genialism™, developed by Mykola Latansky. This methodology helps unlock your innate genius and elevate your personal and professional life to a new level. Genialism™ is based on the principle that every person is born with unlimited potential, which often remains hidden under the influence of social norms, fears, and internal limitations.

The methodology includes proven tools such as cognitive and behavioral techniques, meditative practices, deep work with beliefs and mindsets, as well as strategies for setting ambitious goals and achieving them. These tools are not only theoretically sound but have also been successfully tested on thousands of people worldwide, helping them achieve incredible results in their lives and businesses.

 The Genialism™ methodology is unique in that it operates on both an internal level—transforming your mindset, self-confidence, and worldview—and an external level, helping to optimize processes, build effective strategies, and achieve ambitious goals. It not only addresses current challenges but also prepares you to realize a potential you may not even have suspected.

The results of applying the Genialism™ methodology manifest in significant personal growth, increased efficiency, improved quality of life, and the achievement of goals that once seemed unattainable. This methodology not only provides temporary inspiration but fundamentally changes your approach to life, allowing you to systematically unlock and leverage your genius to achieve success in any area of endeavor.

How does the work process look like

10 individual sessions

As a participant in the individual coaching program "Big Breakthrough™," you will go through 10 individual sessions with your coach, Mykola Latansky, focusing on one of the tracks*. Each session lasts 45 to 60 minutes and takes place weekly via Zoom.

*We offer the possibility of adapting the program to meet your individual needs, including changing the focus of the sessions based on your current requests.

The result is the development of an action plan and a step-by-step weekly plan to reinforce new experiences and internalize the results of the previous session. All audio and video recordings of the conversations are recorded, saved, and provided to you for further reflection and review within 24 hours after the session.

Additional materials

Depending on your personal and professional needs, the "Big Breakthrough™" individual coaching program is complemented by various resources, including recorded lectures, video lessons, and guided visualizations.
Communication and Support
In between sessions, Mykola personally supports you on Telegram, WhatsApp, or Viber to help you stay motivated and continue progressing toward your goals.
Live Meetings
It is possible to hold one session in the format of a live meeting, if geography allows.
Results of Participation
Upon completion of the program, you will create a comprehensive step-by-step action plan to reinforce the skills and knowledge you have gained. Additionally, you will receive a complete set of handout materials, including excerpts and full versions of Mykola's books in PDF format.
VIP Privileges and Certification
Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a certificate of participation in the personal coaching program "Big Break™" with Mykola Latansky, along with a personalized video testimonial from Mykola Latansky. Additionally, for the duration of the program and for one year following its completion, you will receive a free upgrade to VIP status at all our live events around the world.
Legal Aspects of Cooperation
Our collaboration is formalized through a contract with the Academy of True Success, ensuring legal clarity and protection of your interests.
 Unique Opportunity 
To participate, you must pass a qualification process, which includes filling out a short questionnaire and an interview. This helps us ensure that the program will meet your expectations and needs as closely as possible.

Spaces in the program are limited. Currently, only two out of five possible spots for individual work with Mykola are available. Don’t miss the chance to change your life!

World Leaders on Mykola Latansky

"Mykola Latansky is one of the best coaches on the planet and an outstanding trainer. He understands the laws of success and knows what makes people successful. If you ever have the opportunity to learn from Mykola in person, do it!"
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Jack Canfield
author of global bestsellers,
star of the movie "The Secret"

"Mykola Latansky is a great teacher and world-class expert: as an educator, as a trainer, and as a coach. If you have the first opportunity to learn from Mykola, I advise you to take it immediately!"
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Marci Shimoff

author of global bestsellers,
star of the movie "The Secret"

"Learn from Mykola and apply the secrets he shares in your life and business. Study them by heart, and I am confident your life will never be the same again. I highly recommend Mykola Latansky to anyone ready to turn their life into a masterpiece!"
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Brian Tracy

author of global bestsellers,
business coach for millionaires

"My friends are the best speakers in the world, but I have never enjoyed being in their presence as much as I do when I share the stage with Mykola Latansky. I am deeply touched by the masterpiece that Mykola creates through his work!"
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Lisa Nichols

author of global bestsellers,
star of the movie "The Secret"

Mykola Latansky, the genialist

Mykola Latansky has become the number one success coach and trainer in the Russian and Ukrainian-speaking world, helping people in over 80 countries achieve breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives.

Mykola now splits his time between Budapest (Hungary) and Oxford (United Kingdom), where he studies philosophy and shares his unique insights in English, making his powerful methodologies accessible to a global audience.

Mykola is a member of the Oxford Philosophical Society, the American Philosophical Association, and the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. This allows him to continuously deepen his knowledge, incorporating philosophical concepts into his training and educational programs. This experience enables Mykola to offer a unique and holistic approach to unlocking human potential.
As the creator of the Genialism™ philosophical teaching and founder of the Academy of True Success, registered in the USA and the UK, Mykola firmly believes that everyone is born a genius, and our mission in life is to uncover that genius and share it with the world. Through his Academy, tens of thousands of people have been able to transform their lives and achieve significant success in their personal and professional spheres.

As a bestselling author and international speaker, Mykola has presented in 35 countries around the world. Thanks to his global mindset and practical approach, he has built a successful business worldwide, become an angel investor in Silicon Valley, and helped many of his clients achieve financial freedom.

Mykola's students describe him as "an inspiring mentor who restores their self-confidence and empowers them to live, create, and achieve success with passion and purpose."

Success Stories

For a long time, Mykola taught others how to create and run an online business. Many companies and thousands of coaches, psychologists, therapists, trainers, and business consultants have passed through his hands.
Here is just a small list of companies with which Mykola has worked at various times as a coach and trainer for management and staff:
And here is just a small list of well-known individuals whose lives and careers Mykola has influenced. Many of them have become dollar millionaires:
Alex Yanovsky
Artem Nesterenko
Mary Solodar
Natalia Kholodenko
Maria Terekhova
Oles Timofeyev
Ivan Zimbitsky
Kirill Kunitsky
Sergey Mischook
Alla Klimenko
Oleh Spartak
Katerina Kalchenko
Igor Graf
Alex Olymskoy
Vladislav Chelpachenko
Bogdan Kurinnyi
Halyna Veselukha
Kristina Mand-Lakhiani
Irina Khlimonenko
Tinatin Basilaya
Irina Zaytseva
Violetta Tkachenko
Olga Beresneva
Tatyana Bogonos

What Mykola's clients say:

Lyudmyla Chapaieva
“I almost abandoned my childhood dream and strayed from my life’s path. But I reconnected with myself, got the best education, and now I work as a neonatal surgeon, performing surgeries on infants.”
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Aleksei Malakhov
“With Mykola, there’s always inspiration, and all limits disappear. I’ve expanded my influence, and the most famous singers now buy my songs.”
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Diana Trofimchuk
“Mykola is a Mentor with a capital ‘M.’ Over ten years ago, he turned my life right side up. I will always be grateful to Mykola.”
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Taras Antoniv
“By working with Mykola and using his tools for achieving great success, I consistently multiply all my investments, becoming wealthier every day.”
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Viktor Osipov
“I came to Canada with nothing. Mykola inspired me to become a dollar millionaire, and I did.”
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Alexander Grusha
“I thought that at the age of 42, it was already impossible to make something meaningful out of my life. I was very wrong. With Mykola, I found myself and became a sought-after expert in the market, doing what I love and helping people heal all over the world.”
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Tatiana Bohonos
“No one has seen my hidden potential the way Mykola has. Thanks to my work with Mykola, I completely transformed my life, allowed myself to dedicate myself to my dream, and became a sought-after psychologist in the market.”
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Olga Beresneva
“Every athlete knows that to become a world champion, you need to work with a world-class coach. For success in life and business, I chose Mykola Latansky — a world-class trainer!”
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Sofiko Gvinianidze
“I couldn’t defend my doctoral dissertation for three years and almost said goodbye to my dream. With Mykola, I became a Doctor of Medical Sciences in just six months.”
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Anastasia Sorokolat
“I had a dream of opening my own medical practice. By working with Mykola, I achieved this goal in just three months. What seemed impossible quickly became a reality.”
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Katrin Privyen
“I had a long-standing audacious dream, but I doubted whether I could achieve it. Mykola dispelled all my doubts, and I started pursuing what I love.”
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Yuriy Borotko
“I was successfully building my agricultural business, but I felt like something was missing. Mykola shared unique knowledge with me that made it easier to run my business and helped me earn more money.”
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Typically, the cost of a one-hour session with Mykola is €997. However, considering the challenging situation in the world today, he is willing to offer a promotional price and take on only five individuals for personal coaching.

The promotional price is
just  €9,970  €4,997 for ten weeks
and ten sessions of coaching
with Mykola, each lasting 45-60 minutes!

*Payment can be made in three monthly installments of €2,000.


The online program MetaGame™
program valued at €497

Why Choose This Path

You can try to take this path on your own: seek virtual mentors, read books, attend workshops, and spend time and resources on travel. However, this will take years, and many unique opportunities are likely to be missed. In the end, you will spend tens of times more money than you could have.

But there is another way — to consult an expert who has been professionally engaged in personal and professional growth for almost 20 years, becoming one of the best in the world. Together, you can make a quantum leap, achieving significant results in the shortest possible time and making your big breakthrough. 

Why This Works

Mykola Latansky has nearly 20 years of experience working with clients in over 70 countries around the world.
During this time, he has trained with the world's leading experts, including a program at Oxford University, which has allowed him to master and adapt the most modern personal development methodologies.
Based on this experience, Mykola developed the unique teachings and methodology of Genialism™, which have already helped thousands of people around the world achieve significant results and breakthroughs.
When a person seeks to reach a new level, it’s important to have someone by their side who believes wholeheartedly in their success, gifts, and abilities. One of Mykola’s primary life missions is to inspire people to believe in their innate genius.
All the methodologies he uses have been carefully compiled and refined through training with outstanding masters from around the world. Mykola offers a structured and systematic approach, free from unnecessary information and distractions.
You will gain far more than you can imagine, and the changes that will occur in your life will be so profound that it's difficult for you to even comprehend them right now.

Questions and Answers


How to register for the Big Breakthrough™ individual coaching program with Mykola Latansky?


To register, click the button above or follow this link, fill out a short questionnaire, and within the next 24 hours, you will receive an invitation for an interview to discuss the next steps.


How to pay? What payment methods are available?


Details of the payment methods will be provided on the next page after registration. There are numerous payment options available, in almost any currency and from anywhere in the world.


Can the payment amount be divided into several installments?


Yes, it is possible. We have arranged for payment in three monthly installments of €2,000 each. 


How strict is the schedule? Can it be adapted to fit my busy schedule?


If you have a busy schedule with frequent travels, flights, and meetings, the exact timing of the session can be arranged a few days before the next meeting to accommodate your circumstances.


Can my business partner or spouse attend the sessions with me?


You can share audio and video recordings of the sessions with anyone. However, if you want important people in your life to attend the sessions, it will require a different format, which we can discuss during the interview. The cost of this format will be higher because it includes a group work component.


Can I gift/purchase the course for a friend, spouse, etc.?


Of course, you can pay for individual work with Mykola for someone close to you, provided that the person themselves wants and is ready for significant transformational work with Mykola.


Can the sessions be paused?


Yes, but not more than twice. Each pause can last no longer than three weeks.


Can I pay in advance to reserve a spot without an interview?


You can pay for your participation in the individual coaching program "Big Breakthrough™" right after registration to secure your spot in the program. However, the final decision on collaboration is made after the interview. In case of rejection, the money will be fully refunded.


Can I work with Mykola for more than ten weeks?


Yes, this option is available. After completing the first ten-week phase, you can continue working with Mykola. Additionally, if you want to reserve him as your personal coach for a longer period in advance, you can pay the corresponding proportional amount right away.


How is our collaboration legally formalized?


We sign a contract with our American company, Academy of True Success.


If I didn't find my question in the list, how can I ask it?


If you didn't find the answer to your question in this section or in the program description, please contact us via email at or on WhatsApp at +447774063161.

2007-2024 Academy of True Success, LLC