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Breakthrough Training™ in Budapest
Attention! This training by Mykola Latansky has already transformed the lives of thousands of people in over 70 countries worldwide. Your success story could be next!
What would you dare to do if you knew for sure that everything impossible is possible?
Do you want to double your income and increase your free time?
Are you eager to find yourself and start a new career or build your own successful business?
Do you dream of freeing yourself from fears and limiting beliefs that hold you back?
Do you wish to create the relationship of your dreams, filled with understanding and support?
Do you want to achieve inner harmony and self-confidence?
Do you want to inspire and help others achieve their goals?
Do you wish to travel the world while combining work and pleasure?
Are you ready to stop putting off your life and start living a happy, fulfilled, and wealthy life right now?
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Then discover, in just two days in Budapest, unique and proven strategies and principles for guaranteed success in all areas of life, honed over decades, and achieve your goals in the shortest time possible. Start living the life you’ve always dreamed of right now!
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The methodology for achieving extraordinary results from world-class success masters, presented by Mykola Latansky—the leading authority in guiding others to uncover their inborn genius—in a unique two-day training on March 8-9 in Budapest, Hungary.
I believe that anyone can achieve everything they dream of. Success is available to all. Every person can create the life they can only imagine for themselves.
Breakthrough Training™ is a two full days packed with information and exclusivelypractical tools for achieving great success in life and business.
Do you want to reach a new level of success in physical health, financial well-being, mental resilience, emotional balance, and spiritual growth? I invite you to discover why Breakthrough Training™ is the fastest, fairly simple, and guaranteed way to achieve everything you've long dreamed of!
“Breakthrough Training™” helps completely transform your mindset and take a powerful step forward in life:
Get from where you are now to where you want to be
What exactly do you want to change in your life, what do you want to let go of, and what do you want to improve? This training will help you find answers to tough questions and move toward your desired goals.
Break through resistance and overcome internal blocks
Do you know what you need to do, but for some reason, you just don’t do it? This training will explain why this happens and teach you how to overcome your own resistance. You will be able to remove the “brakes” that hold you back from moving forward.
Make the Law of Attraction work for you every day
If you're familiar with the book or movie "The Secret" but still don't understand how to apply the Law of Attraction in practice, here you'll get clear answers and specific steps to make this law a part of your life.
Master focus techniques that lead to success
You will learn the techniques used by successful people—leaders, champions, and other exceptional individuals—to achieve maximum results.
Double your income and your free time
What’s the point of having a lot of money if you don’t have time to enjoy it? This training will provide you with specific tools to help you achieve this goal.
Master the principles of self-discipline
You will learn how to use your time effectively, allowing you to accomplish three times more in the same amount of time.
Create a strategy to achieve your financial goals
You will be able to accurately assess your current financial situation, set goals, and track your progress toward achieving them.
Master advanced visualization techniques
Even if you think you know everything about visualization, you may not be using this tool to its full potential. In this training, you will explore this technique in detail and begin applying it for rapid goal achievement.
Change negative beliefs and mindsets
You will replace limiting beliefs of "I can't" with empowering statements of "I can do anything!" This is not just about affirmations or positive thinking—it's a methodology that helps radically change your outlook on life, especially in challenging times.
What are participants of The Breakthrough Training™ saying :
Transition to a new level
“Breakthrough Training™” has rightfully become our most popular program and is considered one of the best.
This training will help you permanently boost your self-esteem and gain confidence.
During the training, you will begin to take real steps toward life changes, and each day you will live a more fulfilling and realized life.
You will break free from internal barriers and fears, learn to manage your emotions and stress, improve the quality of your relationships, and find motivation to achieve your goals and purpose.
In just two days of training, you will gain clarity on everything related to your life’s journey:
Define your unique purpose, which will allow you to improve results in all areas of your life.
Uncover your unique genius and start building your life around it to reach the highest levels of success.
Learn how successful people think and act, and discover how to shift your mindset and behavior to start achieving similar results.
Master the secrets of developing intuition and learn to recognize when it’s especially important to trust your inner voice.
Understand what you truly want in life and uncover surprising reasons why your real desires may differ from what you once thought.
Understand how your environment influences you and learn how to surround yourself with people who will support you on your path to success. Identify who in your circle helps you move forward and who holds you back from achieving your goals.
Take 100% responsibility for your life and realize how this simple decision can radically change every aspect of your existence.
Examples of exercises and processes that will help you achieve these results:
This simple exercise will help you realize your true purpose in life. Once you understand it, decision-making will become significantly easier. When your life goals fully align with your purpose, you will start achieving greater results with less effort.
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To turn your vision into reality, you need to transform it into specific and measurable goals. Research shows that only about 3% of people set such goals. This is one of the main reasons why most people never achieve their dreams. I will help you establish clear and precise goals that will lead you to success.
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This process will help you create a concrete action plan that generates the necessary momentum and ensures focused progress toward the life of your dreams.
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In just two days, you will learn practically how to:
Ask for and receive everything you want correctly. You’ve heard the saying, “Ask, and it will be given to you!”—now you’ll learn how to do it right.
Receive what you truly deserve from life and stop settling for the minimum. You will learn to say "no" to the good in order to say "yes" to the best.
Celebrate your victories in a way that guarantees new achievements in the future.
Transform your inner critic into your inner mentor. You will learn to stop negative thoughts and eliminate limiting beliefs.
Handle challenges and turn defeats and failures into benefits and success.
Use the power of emotions to mobilize energy, boost motivation, and quickly transition into a "state of readiness."
Properly visualize, even if you previously doubted this method. I will show you how visualization works based on the latest research in neuroscience.
Examples of exercises and processes that will help you achieve these results:
You are probably familiar with car GPS devices: just enter your destination, and the system will guide you on the best route from your current location. Your brain is much more powerful than any GPS system. With one simple process, we will set your internal GPS to find the optimal path to success, starting from where you are right now.
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This process will help you create a clear and profound vision across all eight key areas of your life: finances, career/business, leisure/hobbies, health, family, relationships with others, personal development, and your legacy and contribution to the lives of others. Most people go through life without a clear idea of what their family, career, or life should look like. This lack of vision is often the primary reason why they feel stuck and unable to move forward.
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One of the biggest scientific breakthroughs in the study of success over the past decade is the confirmation that the "Law of Attraction" or "Law of Vibration" actually works. Simply put, you need to create emotional harmony with what you want to achieve. You will learn how to evoke feelings of joy, abundance, love, and gratitude within yourself, even if they are not yet physically present in your life. This will help you attract the desired events and states into your reality.
Innovative techniques for self-motivation, maintaining morale, and most importantly, completing what you start;
Strategies for daily investments in expanding your knowledge and skills for continuous growth;
The "door-opening" technique to influential mentors and friends who will help you advance to the next level;
Effective tools for eliminating roadblocks on the path to success, such as bad habits, negative thoughts, and the tendency to procrastinate;
The technique of creating and using affirmations that will help you make breakthroughs in all areas of life and will work for you throughout your life;
New breakthrough techniques that combine acupuncture, kinesiology, and visualization, allowing you to eliminate 99.4% of fears, phobias, and anxieties in just five minutes or even faster.
Examples of exercises and processes that you will practice mastering:
We will take time to identify and eliminate those internal "brakes" that prevent you from moving forward at the necessary pace on your path to success.
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We will focus on identifying and removing energy blocks caused by accumulated stress, unresolved emotions, and negative events. You will learn to quickly restore your energy balance by releasing tension and fatigue.
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Success requires action, and the main reason for inaction is fear. A unique technique will allow you to eliminate fears, phobias, and anxieties in just five minutes or even faster (in 99.4% of cases)!
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Why Mykola Latansky?
Long before I started teaching the principles of achieving success and helping people create their dream lives, I achieved many extraordinary results in my own life. However, the path to success was not easy.
Success did not come to me right away.
When I was 20 years old, my friends were alcoholics and drug addicts, and I had no idea what kind of life I wanted. I was expelled from university twice for poor academic performance. By the age of 22, I had been deported three times from different countries for illegal border crossings in Western Europe.
Until I decided to take full responsibility for my life!
I was reinstated at the university and graduated with honors. I mastered two foreign languages—English and German.
In my final year, I did an internship in Germany at Siemens, where I worked in a nuclear reactor research laboratory. I then became the top salesperson at several prestigious Western companies, both in Ukraine and abroad.
I founded my own engineering company, which is still successfully operating nearly 20 years later.
I established a leading company in the personal development industry—The Academy of True Success™—and became a world authority in human potential development.
I earned over six million dollars as a speaker, trainer, and coach. At 44, I began open water swimming and, just 10 months later, crossed the Bosphorus Strait (6.5 km, from Asia to Europe).
I set three national records as a coach with the widest geographical reach for trainings and the largest number of participants. I am currently studying philosophy at Oxford University.
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I firmly believe "Anyone can achieve any heights of success in their life. It all depends on knowing the right answer to the question 'How?'"
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On my path as a successful person, I constantly asked myself the same questions:
Why are some people successful while others are not?
Why do some people see no limits in anything, while others only see obstacles on their path to success?
Why do some people enjoy what they do, while others suffer throughout their lives doing something they don’t really want to do?
Why do success, money, and fame seem to come easily to some people, while others spend their lives in poverty, dissatisfaction, and disappointment?
Why can some people afford everything without exception, while others live five to a small apartment and never leave their city?
Secrets and principles of success of great people
For the last 20 years, I haven't just asked myself these questions; I have been seriously studying the secrets and principles of success from great people—masters of their lives.
For a long time, I learned from the positive experiences of success masters in the USA, Germany, France, Canada, the UK, and other countries. I studied the behavior and successful habits of super-successful people, soaking up their strategies, skills, and, most importantly, their mindset like a sponge.
In addition, I have read numerous books, attended an enormous number of seminars, and completed hundreds of trainings.I have invested over $850,000 in my education and continue to invest!
I gained my knowledge from the world's success stars:
Bill Harris
Lisa Nichols
Jack Canfield
T. Harv Eker
Marci Shimoff
Hale Dwoskin
Byron Katie
Brian Tracy
Marcia Wieder
Jeffrey Gitomer
Jim Bunch
Steve Forbes
Randy Gage
Darren Hardy
Paul Sheelle
Brandon Burchard
Harvey Mackay
Keith Cunningham
World authorities on Mykola Latansky
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"Mykola Latansky is one of the best coaches on the planet and an outstanding mentor. He understands the laws of success and knows what makes people successful. If you ever have the opportunity to learn from Mykola in person, take it!"
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Jack Canfield
Author of global bestsellers, star of the movie "The Secret"
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"My friends are the best speakers in the world, but I have never enjoyed being in their presence as much as when I share the stage with Mykola Latansky. I am deeply moved by the masterpiece that Mykola creates through his work!"
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Lisa Nichols
Author of global bestsellers, star of the movie "The Secret"
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"Mykola Latansky is a great teacher and a world-class expert: as a teacher, as a trainer, and as a coach. If you ever get the chance to learn from Mykola, I highly recommend you seize it immediately!"
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Marci Shimoff
Author of global bestsellers, star of the movie "The Secret"
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"Learn from Mykola and apply the secrets he shares in your life and business. Master them, and I'm confident your life will never be the same again. I highly recommend Mykola Latansky to anyone ready to create a masterpiece of their life!"
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Brian Tracy
Author of global bestsellers, business trainer for millionaires
Lisa Nichols, "The Secret" about Mykola Latansky:
"Some people choose a career as a coach. And some people are chosen by God for this work. Mykola is one of those people!"
Jack Canfield, "The Secret" about Mykola Latansky:
"You absolutely must take the opportunity to learn from Mykola!"
"Marci Shimoff , "The Secret" about Mykola Latansky:"
"Only a great teacher can be a great student. Mykola is a great teacher!"
Theory and practice
I studied and analyzed, applied the knowledge I gained in my life, filtered it through my own experiences, tested it, and acquired wisdom.
As a result, I combined theoretical knowledge with the training programs of success masters and the creation of the life of my dreams, supported all of this with my own experiences, and now I share the secrets and principles of success with you.
I am ready to help you build the life of your dreams through my "Breakthrough Training™.
Why do I do this?
I find true joy in watching the people around me grow and succeed. Even greater pleasure comes from realizing my direct involvement in the success of others.
For some time now, I have chosen as my life’s mission to inspire and motivate others to achieve success so that they believe in their own abilities, gain confidence, see new opportunities, start living life to the fullest, and experience joy and satisfaction in reaching their goals.
If you have already achieved… …significant results in your life or are just beginning your journey toward extraordinary success in all areas of your life, this training is for you!
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Why did I choose a career as a motivational speaker and success coach?
From the complex to the simple
My students say that one of my talents is the ability to process large amounts of information, simplify it, and convey it to students in an understandable and digestible form without using complicated jargon and in plain language.
I am constantly engaged in my own education, seeking new knowledge, and continuously exploring the principles of success. Teaching others how to succeed in life is my greatest passion. And I know that you can create the future of your dreams!
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Maybe it all sounds like baseless promises for now, but I make them with confidence.
Why? Because the principles and strategies for success that I teach always work. All you need to do is make them work for you.
And I will personally teach you how to achieve that!
I will personally help you reach the new, better level of life you've been dreaming of.
Over the years, I have gathered a vast array of transformational exercises, learning models, and knowledge, integrating them into the "Breakthrough Training™".
From the very beginning of the training, you will be able to identify what you truly want. You may be surprised to discover that it might not be exactly what you have always thought.
Step by step, we will work together to transform you into a person who clearly defines their goals and confidently pursues them.
You will learn to free yourself from any limiting beliefs that have previously prevented you from achieving the success you dreamed of. You'll gain access to tools that will truly help you obtain everything you desire in life.
Your "new eyes" will begin to notice every opportunity on their own
If you previously lacked the confidence to achieve your goals, you likely missed hundreds of situations, connections, and other opportunities that could have significantly and positively impacted your future.
We will go through a special exercise aimed at boosting your self-esteem and teaching you to find, notice, and embrace any situations that can positively influence your life but have previously gone unnoticed.
How can I be so sure? Research shows that all truly successful people have brains specially tuned to "filter" the necessary information from the daily flow, focusing only on what can genuinely help them achieve their goals.
Hundreds of unique opportunities pass us by every moment. Once you start using the tool you will receive in this training, you will "suddenly" begin to notice and take advantage of them.
The "Breakthrough Training™" lasts two full days, from morning until late evening, and consists of short lectures and exercises designed to create hands-on experience.
In addition, the training includes exercises in pairs and small groups, visualization processes, meditation, written and physical exercises, games, large group activities, personal discussions, emotional release exercises, and individual work with me.
Since our time is limited to just two days and there’s a lot to cover, the training will be very intensive and, most importantly, fun.
Handout materials
The handout materials include detailed instructions for exercises and meditations, diagrams, charts, a step-by-step guide for activating the Law of Attraction, instructions for creating affirmations, recommendations for working with an accountability partner, a step-by-step plan for brainstorming, an elevator pitch, the Sedona Method, a collection of success quotes, a recommended reading list, and much more. In total, there are 79 pages!
Training Venue
The training venue and the space itself can either contribute to your development or hinder it. Always pay attention to what and who surrounds you in life.
For the "Breakthrough Training™," the organizers have found an excellent location in the heart of Budapest.
Two full days from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Transforming your life requires determination!
If you truly want to take control of your life and achieve new results—happiness, financial success, helping others, and finding genuine fulfillment and meaning—this opportunity is right here and right now.
Just imagine what your life would look like if you could have everything you want, without denying yourself (or your family) anything. Nothing that you need or simply desire.
Imagine that regardless of what happens in life, you have everything inside you to succeed in whatever you undertake.
To determine if you need this training right now, ask yourself a few simple questions:
Are you where you’ve always dreamed of being?
Have you achieved what you wanted by this point in your life?
Does your career meet your expectations?
Are you satisfied with your personal relationships?
Do you enjoy your lifestyle, travels, and leisure time?
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If you answered "no" to even one of these questions, then the "Breakthrough to Success™" training is exactly what will help you reach a new level in every area of your life.
This program will provide you with the tools to achieve maximum results, available to everyone. However, most people are simply not familiar with proven methods and strategies for success.
If any of this resonates with you, then this training is exactly what you need right now!
Do you think it’s just a coincidence that you are reading these lines at this moment? I’m sure it’s not.
Investments in the "Breakthrough Training™"
The investment for the "Breakthrough Training™" is only €500!
Yes! The investment in this program is only €500!
Only… because an hour of my individual work with business owners and company directors can cost several thousand euros.
Only… because if you divide this amount by 365 days, it comes to only €1.37 a day for your education! Education that will significantly transform your life within the first few days after the training. It's less than you spend on a cup of coffee everyday.
When you look at the cost of participating in the training from another perspective, it’s even less than a dinner at a nice restaurant. This amount is even less than the cost of a good pair of shoes!
You decide what’s better — a one-time investment in yourself and a significant change in your life, or saving on yourself and continuing your previous life?
You remember that if you keep doing today what you did yesterday, tomorrow you will be where you are today... And it might be the same in five years, ten years, or even twenty…
Reserve your spot in the training right now!
If you want to learn how to guarantee success in all areas of life and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of immediately, register for the "Breakthrough to Training™" right now!
Remember, the number of participants in the training is limited — only 30 people!
See you at the "Breakthrough to Training™"!
Don't let the opportunity to change your life for the better slip away.
Reserve your spot in the training right now at the early bird price!
Note: Tickets may sell out without warning due to the limited number of seats available.
Only 30 spots available!!!
Two full days live training "Breakthrough to Training™" in Budapest
Workbook with a set of techniques and exercises (79 pages).
Reserve your VIP tickets while there are still available spots!
100% risk-free deal
When it comes to investments—not just financial but also time—you should feel calm and confident. That’s why I offer you a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with "Breakthrough to Training™" after the event.
If you participate in the training for the entire day from start to finish, engage in each session, complete all the exercises, explore your core values and beliefs, design your future life, allow transformation to happen, and align your life with the principles of success, and then decide at the end of the training that "Breakthrough to Training™" has not improved your life qualitatively and quantitatively, just let me know on the last day of the training—and I will refund your money. No questions asked. Period.
"Breakthrough Training™" is exactly where you and I will work together to create your best, unique future—the future you dream of. You can have everything you want in life and achieve anything you desire. I eagerly await our meeting to help you create positive, long-term changes in your life.
If you want to learn how to guarantee success in all areas of your life and immediately start living the life you've always dreamed of, register for the training right now!
See you soon at "Breakthrough Training™" in Budapest!
Sincerely, Mykola Latansky
P.S. Remember, you are protected by a 100% guarantee. If, after the training, you decide that the "Breakthrough Training™" program is not able to qualitatively and quantitatively improve your future life, just let me know immediately, and I will refund your money. No questions asked!
P.P.S. You can register for the upcoming "Breakthrough Training™" right now by clicking this link, and we will get in touch with you immediately!
Budapest is easily accessible by train, bus, car, or plane from over 150 direct destinations, including convenient flights from Wizzair and Ryanair.
You can find round-trip tickets from almost any city in Europe for up to €100. We recommend using Skyscanner.net to search for tickets.
It takes just 30 minutes to get from the airport to the city center using public transport.
The city has one of the most well-developed transport infrastructures in Europe, making it easy to get around by taxi, public transport, bicycles, and scooters.
Accommodation in Budapest is affordable, starting at an average of €50/night for two people in the city center. We recommend using Booking.com and/or Airbnb for bookings.
Budapest is a major European capital with a rich cultural heritage, numerous historical attractions, and unique spa complexes.
After an intensive day at the training, you can relax in the thermal baths, stroll through the cozy streets, and enjoy delicious Hungarian cuisine.
Have you achieved what you wanted by this point in your life?
Does your career meet your expectations?
Are your personal relationships satisfying?
Do you enjoy your lifestyle, travels, and leisure time?
If you answered "no" to at least one of these questions, then the "Breakthrough Training™" is exactly what will help you rise to a new level in every area of your life. This program will provide you with the tools to achieve maximum results that are accessible to everyone. However, most people are simply not familiar with proven methods and strategies for success.
If any of this resonates with you, then this training is exactly what you need right now! Do you think it’s a coincidence that you are reading these lines at this moment? I’m sure it’s not.
"Breakthrough Training™" is not just an event to "motivate" you and lift your spirits. You may have already attended trainings that left you feeling uplifted, but a few weeks later, you realized that nothing significant had changed in your life.
What sets "Breakthrough Training™" apart is that it is a fully immersive training experience aimed at achieving irreversible, long-term changes in your life and business. You will see and feel your life transforming right before your eyes. Throughout the training, you will engage in special exercises designed to facilitate significant changes quickly and effortlessly.
Other trainings can be helpful, but for changes to be lasting, work at a deeper level is necessary. We will address the root causes that hinder your success and integrate new knowledge and skills into your life. Much of our time will be dedicated to removing barriers that prevent you from moving forward. This approach is unlike any other training you have experienced before.
Additionally, unlike many trainings that often focus solely on one area of life (such as finances), we will work on achieving balance in your lifeas a whole, striving for harmony across all aspects of your existence.
You can expect to make a significant breakthrough in all aspects of your life: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial. This process will transform you into a completely different person.
I understand that this sounds like a bold statement. But why am I so confident?
Many participants of "Breakthrough Training™" have attended other seminars and training programs before this one. They (and perhaps you) know what often happens at such events: you get emotionally charged and believe in your bright future, but then you return to your everyday life and face the same problems and challenges as before... Nothing changes.
But not with "Breakthrough Training™." In this training, you will learn to use all the tools and resources even during the training itself!
You will begin to act differently, your reactions to events will change, you will see new opportunities, and your results will be different.
We highly recommend attending this training with a partner (friend, colleague, spouse, or even children) as this way you will gain significantly more experience and be able to support each other more effectively after the training. You can read more details about this below.
And yes, for groups of three or more people, we will offer an even more favorable price!
Participating in the training with your spouse, friend, colleague, or even your son or daughter (over 18) offers several advantages.
Why? Because your friend or partner can become a reliable ally in achieving your goals together. You can continue to work on your objectives after the training as a team. In fact, when two or more family members attend the training, you gain additional benefits from collaboratively exploring your life concepts, beliefs, perspectives, approaches, and strategies. The synergy effect significantly accelerates the goal achievement process.
Inviting a partner is not mandatory, but it certainly comes with its advantages.
If you participate in the program for the full day from start to finish, engage in each session, complete all exercises, explore your core values and beliefs, design your future life, allow transformation to happen, and align your life with the principles of success, but afterward decide that "Breakthrough Training™" is not able to qualitatively and quantitatively improve your life, simply let me know at the end of the training, and I will refund your money.
In case of cancellation after the advance payment, your money can be credited towards participation in another training program of the Academy of True Success or donated to charity (children's homes, cancer centers, shelters, etc.), provided that you inform the organizers of your cancellation at least 48 hours before the event begins.
Testimonials from participants of the "Breakthrough Training™"
“During this training, I discovered the reasons for my inaction. And my next steps won’t take long! I’ve attended various trainings at different levels, but the BREAKTHROUGH TRAINING™ really works! By participating in this training, I identified things I hadn’t even dared to think about. But the most valuable part is understanding the series of actions I need to take to change that. Thank you so much for your work; I gained the courage and confidence in my endeavors and in things I was previously afraid to do!” — Inna, Ukraine
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"A mechanism within me has launched like the fastest high-speed train, gaining momentum that can’t be stopped. And the brakes? They disappeared, vanished. Every day, I experiment with my life, setting new goals, tasks, and dreams—and it turns out, I can achieve anything! My motto: ‘Everything Is Always Possible!’ In the year following the BREAKTHROUGH TRAINING™, I experienced a quantum leap upward. Accolades, invitations to international festivals, and the realization of projects I had dreamed of for 10 long years—all of it is happening. New people are coming into my life, people who believe in me and support me." — Iren, Ukraine
"Some teachers enter our lives and quickly leave. But there are mentors who stay by our side, tirelessly guiding us through life, continually helping us grow and learn. These mentors are always evolving, learning, and never stop surprising us. Since 2011, Mykola Latansky has consistently provided my mind with 'food for thought,' leading to new, sometimes uncomfortable, but forward-moving actions. Many of my accomplishments and results would not have been possible without his guiding 'pushes' and the actions that followed." — Alexander, Poland
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"I realized how truly happy I am and how to hold onto that happiness! It's incredible! A sea of positive emotions—I understood just how happy I am and how easy it is to keep this mindset. I also recognized what has been holding me back from achieving my goals. Now, the key is not to lose focus! Thank you all! It was an absolute pleasure and so comfortable to be around all of you." — Tatyana, Ukraine
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"At "Breakthrough Training™", I experienced explosive emotions! I've become a more harmonious person. I now have time for myself, my health, and my family. I’ve started connecting more with my relatives and friends at last. When I am successful, I am happy, and that positively affects me and everyone around me! I made a financial investment in my self-development, and it paid off completely!" — Taras, Ukraine
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"'Breakthrough Training™' is just unbelievably amazing! A huge and heartfelt thank you to Mykola for the training, the discipline, and all the methods and techniques used— I truly respect what you do! I finally understood 'Who I Am and Why I Am Here!' I am so glad I decided to join 'Breakthrough Training™', and I am incredibly grateful to everyone for this experience!" — Caroline, Latvia
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"During the 'Breakthrough Training™', a real breakthrough happened in my mind!!! I freed myself from a belief that had been holding me back!!!
Now, I feel like I'm flying!!! I feel the happiness of soaring into the world with a new belief, a new mindset: 'I am worthy of working with large audiences... I enjoy sharing my thoughts, my success, my experience with others to ignite hearts, to help people believe in themselves...'" — Sergey, Russia
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"Dear Mykola! Thank you SO MUCH for being who you are!!! Thank you for being such Amazing, Kind, Open, Loving people in this world.
Thank you for this Celebration with a capital 'C' that is the 'Breakthrough Training™', which melts hearts and opens the soul, giving strength, possibilities, and ideas to always move FORWARD!
Thank you for existing on this Earth!!!!!" — Marianna, Lithuania
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"I attended a motivational and transformational training like 'Breakthrough Training™' for the first time. Sometimes it's hard to say what really hurts, even to yourself or those close to you. But opening up to a stranger, sharing without fear of judgment, rejection, or hostility, was unexpectedly easy. And it brought such relief, calm, and gratitude🙏. We didn’t just listen to lectures; we worked in groups and pairs, and it was incredibly powerful💪. You can’t imagine the amazing insights, tasks, and exercises we went through🙏. — Catherine, Ukraine
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"At 'Breakthrough Training™', I realized that the main reason for a lack of results in life is avoiding responsibility. I came to understand that by blaming others, complaining, or even feeling self-conscious, I push my success further away and make my life harder.
I worked on my self-esteem. It’s amazing when people you met just 20 minutes ago start to understand you and help you believe in yourself.
It’s a powerful, transformational training, and I’m SO glad I came here." — Andrew, Ukraine
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"The 'Breakthrough Training™' made a deep impact on my consciousness because everything was meticulously thought out by the organizers and creators of the training, Mykola and Tatiana Latansky.
What I value the most is the extensive amount of practice. Exercises—independent, in pairs, and in groups—allowed me to truly feel how the knowledge works and can already start transforming us, making us better than we were yesterday. And, it helped me finally overcome my ‘theorist’ syndrome! 😅
As with any intensive learning experience, I find myself reflecting and re-evaluating even days after the training." — Lidiya, Ukraine
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"'Breakthrough Training™' is an amazing experience with Mykola Latansky.
Here are my most valuable personal realizations: 1. Honesty and transparency foster greater trust, partnership, and progress in all areas of life. 2. Believing in yourself is a daily effort; it involves consistent actions and having a significant life goal—it's both a driving force and fuel, and it's essential! 3. The main principle of success is 100% responsibility.
I THANK each and every person for their participation, presence, energy, joy, and applause! It was truly a synergy!" — Olesya, Germany
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"'Breakthrough Training™' was an inspiring weekend!
I want to thank Mykola Latansky for the wonderful day of training.
It was unique, liberating, sometimes even scary, but very honest, powerful, soulful, and undeniably incredibly useful!"
— Julia, Ukraine
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"Thanks to the 'Breakthrough Training™' and the powerful leadership environment, my life has been divided into before and after!
It's hard to put these emotions into words... I found all the answers to my questions... There were many tears... A colossal amount of work was done on myself... In short, a TRANSFORMATION took place there.
I am GRATEFUL to EVERYONE 🙏🏼💚" — Vita, Ukraine
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"'The Breakthrough Training™' is a powerful training by Mykola Latansky. 💪🏻🤗💥
It provided a clear understanding of confidence, new knowledge, practice, and a reevaluation of values. 🙃 A complete exit from the comfort zone. 🙈🙃💥
Thank you for such an opportunity and for the wealth of new knowledge and emotions! It's incredible." — Yana, Ukraine